I read an article this morning about robotics. It is estimated that 30% of the workforce in Europe will be replaced in the next 20 years. The United States will face the charge of the robotics brigade, too. A number of restaurants are already considering the move to robotic servers. Even lawyers are not immune to robotics entering their world. This article will tell you more. You can also find it here, http://bit.ly/1YZ3zUa.
If and when this move to robotics occurs in what I call the regular workplace, in other words the middle class, opportunities for humans may become limited, and those opportunities that are available will demand ever-increasing amounts of skills. No longer will humans be able to climb the ladder from entry level positions to higher-paying positions over a number of years. In the future humans will need to advance their skills and look sideways for advancement. This will require excellent communication skills and inspired performance every day.
I listened to the McDonald's robot accepting a service order from a customer. The robot was polite and helpful, and even had a smile on its face. The robot's designers seem to have built into the robot soft skills very often found lacking in their human counterparts. I must say I was pretty impressed by what I was seeing from this early version. What could possibly be next?
My grandchildren, your grandchildren, and possibly some of your children will be facing robotic competitors in their workplace. Some humans are already sharing the workplace with robots. The jobs the robots take will likely be gone from human attainment forever. So where does that leave us? It leaves us with a highly technical, very competitive workforce. Skills such as effective communication of all kinds - oral, silent, written, body language - and inspired performance that gains an advantage for its practitioner - as well as the Outfluence form of teamwork called The Silent Storm will be sought after by employers. The unprepared, uncaring, disinterested employees of today will not, are not now, being tolerated. The move is afoot to change.
Many park benches, seaside lounges and oceanfront arcades will be filled with unemployed citizens who ignored the call to action this article is calling for. It's time to train yourself and your young family members communication and performance skills that will be needed to compete in the years ahead. Outfluence is offering community-based small group training to help you prepare for the changes that are arriving as you read this article. Contact us attraining@outfluence.com for additional information.