The new community will provide an effective way for court reporters to connect with hiring firms. Court reporters will join for free and take the pre-screening survey, which will be loaded to the AWS cloud. Hiring agencies will pay a subscription fee for access. Identimap will provide the SaaS platform for the new national community that will be owned, marketed and managed by Outfluence.
Read moreThe Human Connection: When We Lost It and How We Can Get It Back
1969. DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a branch of the Defense Department, formed the first computer network. It was formed in response to the 1957 Sputnik launch by the Russians. A computer scientist named Leonard Kleinrock led a group of scientists in that year to develop what later became known as the Internet.
Read moreInfluence in the Workplace
How do we gain influence in the workplace? Generally speaking, people with exceptional skills, people who work in powerful jobs, people who possess a significant title, or people of wealth are thought to have influence. But that's only half the story.
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The Outfluence Vision
Meet our new look and logo. Inspired by the four pillars of our programs, the rings represent bringing understanding to the scattered state of communications in life and business.
Read moreConstruct a Fulfilled Life
Through personal experience and observation over 5 decades I understand what it takes to construct a life that is, in the end, looked back upon with satisfaction. Today my team and I at Outfluence teach youngsters, young professionals and business leaders how to build a life of which they will be proud, a life that will be filled with achievements large and small, that will make them happy and fulfilled. Their path from here to fulfillment won't be easy. It never is. But if we can create awareness in them so that when they do fall down, an a-ha! moment will reveal itself and they will know how to recover and move forward. Awareness is what will help them to avoid the long delays in their journey to fulfillment brought on by mistakes that are compounded by bad decisions.
We teach our audiences that one bad decision, a relationship decision, for example, can cost them 5 years or more of pain and delay.
A fulfilled life is composed of knowledge, communication skills and performance. Within those 3 components are numerous skills that must be learned and absorbed into daily living. They include message development from the perspective of both the sender and the receiver. They include personal development skills such as decision-making, time and money management, leadership. They include learning how to inspire a performance in all of its aspects. These examples only scratch the surface of the knowledge to be gained and the skills to be acquired.
We are so easily thrown off track in our quest to live a life that is fulfilling to us. Ego, jealousy, misunderstanding, excessive competition, overreaction to unfortunate experiences and following misleading influences all contribute to delayed or unrealized fulfillment.
As we work to construct lives that are fulfilling the question becomes how much of who and what we are can we control? What influences us more, nature or nurture? As written in Simple Psychology magazine, "Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors. Nurture is generally taken as the influence of external factors after conception e.g. the product of exposure, experience and learning on an individual."
If we were fortunate enough to have grown up in a loving and nurturing environment, we have a leg up in constructing our life. If our early years were painful and frustrating, we can certainly construct the life we want. We just might need a bit more help and it may take a little longer.
Outfluence takes people where we find them developmentally. We help them to discover, or re-discover, their genius. Then we show them how to build on that genius and take it where they want to go.
Happy Mother's Day
My mother grew up on a farm. She completed the 6th grade. She went to work in a textile mill. She was proud when she told me that she earned $6 an hour, and that her boss said that she could produce more than almost anyone else on the floor. After 25 years working in the mill, standing on a concrete floor, breathing in dust and fumes, she has COPD and pretty severe spinal issues.
All my sister and brother and I ever saw was dinner on the table every single night of our lives, a very clean house, and the tastiest pastries made from what she learned while watching our Austrian-born grandmother bake for decades before we were born. She supported us in our endeavors and always took pride in our accomplishments.
Recently she spent 2 months in the hospital. She was struggling to breathe. The family gathered around because we thought at 86 she wouldn't have the strength to win this battle. It was nip and tuck for a few days but then she began to come around. We knew that she would make it when she said, "I want to get out of here. There's nothing wrong with me. These doctors are just keeping me here so they can make more money."
My mother is a very simple woman. She enjoys being around family. Everything she did for us was done with love. She, and my dad, sacrificed comforts in their lives to enable their children to have better lives. That's what their generation is known for, and that's what they did.
If you can't be with your mother on "her day" this Sunday get with her soon. She could care less about the holiday. She only cares about seeing you.
(Happy Mother's Day from your friends at Outfluence, LLC.)